News For Sale

David Halberstam’s 1979 book, The Powers That Be, focuses on the evolution of four of the twentieth century’s largest and most powerful media companies and their most prominent figures, many of whom rose to inclusion in mainstream culture: Time, Incorporated—Henry Luce, Hedley Donovan CBS—William Paley, Edward R. Murrow, Walter Cronkite The Washington Post—Phil and KatherineContinue reading “News For Sale”

A Work in Progress

Acknowledging a problem is the first step to solving it. Many times, however, defensiveness and insecurity lead to intentional blindness and denial instead: In 1965, CBS News aired a story of war atrocities committed during a raid by US soldiers on the Vietnamese village of Cam Ne. David Halberstam wrote that many viewers “called inContinue reading “A Work in Progress”