The Wizard and the Prophet: ¿Por Qué No Los Dos?

Charles Mann’s book, The Wizard and the Prophet, is a remarkable biography of two men who each believed he had the best way for the world to avoid a “wrenching global catastrophe” in the next century: Agronomist Norman Borlaug, The Wizard, believed that science and technology, properly applied, can help humankind produce enough of whatContinue reading “The Wizard and the Prophet: ¿Por Qué No Los Dos?”

Getting Better, IX: A Very Serious Possibilist

The title of this post is from Hans Rosling, but it was like-minded Ben Carlson who listed 50 Ways The World is Getting Better on his blog, A Wealth of Common Sense. These are the most significant: Flying has gotten 2,100 times safer over the past 70 years. 2016 was the second safest year inContinue reading “Getting Better, IX: A Very Serious Possibilist”